STUDY 5: Questions
- Which of the following is the time for the establishment of God's Kingdom?
- It has always been established
- At Christ's return
- At the day of Pentecost in the first century
- In the hearts of believers at their conversion.

- Did the Kingdom of God exist in the past? If so, in what form?

- When did it end?

- What is the Millennium?
- A reign of grace in our hearts
- A 1000 year reign of the believers in Heaven
- A 1000 year reign of Satan on the earth
- The first 1000 years of God's future Kingdom on earth.

- What will the Kingdom be like?

- What will the present believers do in the Millennium?
- Be rulers over the mortal people
- Be rulers in Heaven
- We do not know
- Live on another planet
- Was the message about the Kingdom of God preached:
- Just in the New Testament
- Just by Jesus and the apostles
- In both Old and New Testaments
- Just in the Old Testament.